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笔果题库考试成绩查询 叮咚!你有一份开工福利待领取~
2025-02-05 15:02:44
笔果题库考试成绩查询 开工大吉!你有一份开工福利待领取~
2025-02-05 10:53:17
英语阅读(二) - VIP题库
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Juvenile Crime — Outlook for California1.The public's fear of crime, including juvenile crime, is a major concern for policymakers. In California, and throughout the nation, nightly news programs often begin their broadcasts with accounts of violent crime committed by juveniles.2.The Legislature and the Governor have enacted numerous laws to address the public's concerns about juvenile crime. Despite these efforts, polls show that the public continues to see crime as one of the most pressing problems in society.3.In January 1994, we released our report Crime in Cali for ni a describing overall crime trends in the state. This report, while similar, focuses on juvenile crime trends and the juvenile justice system in California.Difference Between the Juvenile and Adult Justice Systems.4.California's juvenile justice system is different from the state's adult justice system. This is because society recognizes that many juveniles need to be treated differently from adults. Generally, the juvenile system emphasizes treatment and rehabilitation, while the adult system concentrates on punishment of offenders.The juvenile justice system also consists of a large number of nonlaw enforcement agencies. Social services agencies, schools, and community-based organizations all provide services to both juveniles “at-risk” of committing crimes and to juveniles who have committed crimes.The State of Juvenile Crime in California.5.Juvenile crime peaked in California in 1974 and then decreased through 1987. This decrease occurred at the same time as the proportion of juveniles in California's population was declining. Juvenile crime has increased since 1987. It is likely that juvenile crime will continue to increase given the projected future increase in California's juvenile population. In order to address this growth in crime, policymakers will have to pursue multiple strategies including prevention, intervention, suppression,and incarceration efforts.Contents of This Report.6.We have prepared this report in an effort to help those concerned with addressing the problems of juvenile crime. This report is not designed to present comprehensive answers to all of the questions concerning juvenile crime, but rather it provides basic information on the issues. It does this through a "quick-reference" document that relies heavily on charts to present information.What Is Juvenile Crime ?7.In its simplest definition, "crime" is any specific act prohibited by law for which society has provided a formally sanctioned'91 punishment. This also can include the failure of a person to perform an act specifically required by law.Types of Offenses.8.Crimes,whether committed by adults or juveniles, are classified by the seriousness of the offenses as follows:•A felony is the most serious offense,punishable by a sentence to a state institution (Youth Authority facility or adult prison). Felonies generally include violent crimes, sex offenses, and many types of drug and property violations.•A misdemeanor is a less serious offense for which the offender may be sentenced to probation,county detention (in a juvenile facility or jail), a fine, or some co-mbination of the three. Misdemeanors generally include crimes such as assault and battery, petty theft, and public drunkenness.•An infraction is the least serious offense and generally is punishable by a fine. Many motor vehicle violations are considered infractions.9.Many types of crimes in California can be charged as either a felony or a misdemeanor (known as a “wobbler”),or as either a misdemeanor or an infraction. Juveniles, like adults, can be charged with a felony, a misdemeanor, or an infraction. However, as we discuss later, juveniles can also be charged with offenses that are unique to youth.Categories of Crimes.10.In general, felonies, misdemeanors, and infractions fall into one of three broad categories: violent, property, and drug-rela-ted. Violent crimes refer to events such as homicide, rape, and assault that result in an injury to a person.11.Property crimes are offenses with the intent of gaining property through the use or threat of force against a person. Burglary and motor vehicle theft are examples.12.Drug-related crimes, such as possession or sale of illegal narcotics,are generally in a separate category altogether. This is because such offenses do not fall under the defi-nition of either violent or property offenses.The Juvenile Justice System Is Different.13.The juvenile justice system has evolved over the years based on the premise that juveniles are different from adults and juveni-les who commit criminal acts generally should be treated differently from adults. Separate courts, detention facilities, rules, procedures,and laws were created for juveni-les with the intent to protect their welfare and rehabilitate them, while protecting public safety.14.Under certain circumstances, youthful offenders can be tried either as juveniles or as adults. But even in these situations» their treatment is different from that of adults. For example, a juvenile who is arrested for an "adult" offense can be adjudicated in either juvenile court or adult court; if convicted, he or she can be incarcerated in either a county or state correctional facility or left in the community; and if incarcerated, he or she can be placed with either other juveniles or adults. In contrast, an adult charged with the same offense would be tried in an adult court; if convicted, he or she would be incarcerated by the state and would be housed with adults.Legal Categories of Juvenile Offenders.15.Juvenile offenders are generally placed in one of four legal categories depending primarily on the seriousness of the offense committed. Two of these categories ("criminal offenders" and "juveniles remanded to superior court") are for juveniles who have committed adult-like crimes. The other categories ("informal probationers" and "status offenders")are for youths who have committed less serious offenses or offenses unique to juveniles, like curfew violations.Who Is Ireated As a Juvenile in California ?16.Generally, any individual age 18 or older is considered an adult and treated as such in California. Depending on the circumstances, however, someone as young as 14 can be tried in the adult court system and sentenced to the California Department of Corrections (CDC) and housed in the California Youth Authority (CYA) ; and if 16 years old can be sent to prison. On the other hand, someone as old as 24 can be incarcerated as a juvenile in the CYA.17.There are over 6,000 offenders incarcerated in the CYA who are age 18 or older. The CYA can accept juveniles younger than age 12 after a review by the CYA Director, however, these offenders generally are kept in the community under county probation supervision.How Much Juvenile Crime Is There in California ?18.Crime in California, whether committed by an adult or juvenile, is counted in two different ways. One is based on official reports to law enforcement agencies, and is reflected in the national Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) data and the California Crime Index (CCI) data. Crime is also counted based on surveys of individuals to determine if they have been victims of crime, even though the crime may not have been reported to the police. The data is obtained through national victimization surveys.Limited Data Available About Juvenile Crime.19.Many types of data on juvenile crime are not collected or aggregated for the state. For example? we know how many juveniles were arrested for felonies and misdemeanors, but we don't know the disposition of those juvenile arrestees. This is because the state Department of Justice (DOJ) stopped collecting statewide disposition data for juveniles in 1990 for budgetary reasons. As a consequence, we do not know, since 1990, how many juvenile arrestees were adjudicated as juveniles or prosecuted as adults; how many were convicted; how many were placed on probation in the community or incarcerated at the local level. The DOJ reports that it will resume collecting these data in 1995-1996.20.Consequently, the most currently available data are limited to the number of juvenile arrests, juvenile arrest rates, and the number of juveniles incarcerated at the state level.Arrest "Rates."21.Crime data is often presented in terms of "rates." A rate is defined as the number of occurrences of an event within a given population. For example, the overall juvenile arrest rate for California in 1993 was 6,772.8, which means that there were about 7,773 juvenile arrests for every 100^000 youths under the age of 18.Crime Is Underreported.22.Crime statistics (for juveniles and adults) from law enforcement agencies don't tell the entire story about the extent of crime for two reasons. First, victimization surveys generally show there is a significant amount of crime committed each year that is not counted in official statistics because it is not reported to law enforcement authorities. According to the U.S.Department of Justice, in 1993 about two-thirds of all crimes went unreported to the police. Specifically, about 50 per cent of violent victimizations, almost 60 per cent of household crimes, and 70 per cent of all personal thefts went unreported.23.A second reason why crime is underreported is that when several crimes are committed by an offender at the same time, only one (usually the most severe) is counted in the data. For example, if a juvenile offender robbed a store, assaulted a clerk. and killed a customer, only the homicide would be reported.24.Juveniles Account for a Significant Number of All Arrests.•In 1993, juveniles accounted for 16 per cent of all felony arrests in California.•Juveniles accounted for 26 per cent of all property arrests and 14 per cent of violent crime arrests, in 1993.•In 19889 juveniles accounted for 24 per cent of property arrests and 12 per cent of violent arrests.25.How Many Juveniles Become Repeat Offenders?Findings :Small number of offenders commit majority of crime.Strong relationship between age at onset of criminal behavior and continued criminality.Based On:Research in Orange and Los Angeles Counties.Longitudinal study.Details:In Orange County, between 8 and 12 per cent of offenders account for 60 per cent of juvenile and subsequent adult crime.In Los Angeles County, research showed similar results.Other studies, including those from foreign courtiers, have drawn similar conclusions.These repeat offenders are arrested between 4 and 14 times during criminal careers.Younger the arrestee9 the greater likelihood of subsequent arrests.Caveats:Most individuals arrested as juveniles will not be arrested as adults.Large portion of arrested adults were not arrested as juveniles.10.The author's attitude toward the juvenile system in California is _______.
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Decent Jobs: Social Inclusion and Social Protection1.By far, the most vulnerable older persons are women, who are more likely than men to lack basic literacy and numerical skills, less likely to have paid work, and less likely to be eligible for pensions where they are available. When women are eligible for pensions, because of their lower pay and interrupted work histories, they are more likely to receive lower pensions Older women who have lost their partners greatly outnumber their male counterparts.In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources. Also, women's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies. For these and ot her reasons, women, especially in developing countries, are much more likely to sink into poverty in their older years. Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the labour force.2.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as their training and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older worker face in the labour market. Biased attitudes of older hamper the efforts workers to find new employment and from providing them discourage employers with training. However, prejudices against the abilities of there is evidence that older workers are unfounded , and that the average difference in work performance between age groups is significantly less than the differences between workers within each age group.3.Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business. By maintaining a broad pool of workers with a more diverse range of skills and abilities a company can avoid the vacuum'p created when a number of skilled and experienced employees retire.4.Training and education are particularly important in helping older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities. Lifelong learning, which is increasingly recommended by social policy experts, is an important cultural and economic asset. Implicit in the concept of lifelong learning is the rejection of a society structured on the basis of age, in which education and training are one-time undertakings experienced only early in life.5.Information and communication technologies can play an important role in extending working lives. They have the potential to allow older workers to maintain their ties to the labour market and enhance their contributions and their quality of life.6.Telecommuting holds great promise as a tool that can help older workers to maintain their integration in the economy and in society. Savings in transportation costs are just one advantage. For older workers with disabilities telecommuting offers an alternative to premature retirement or disability leave. There are also clear advantages on the employer's side: businesses can retain access to critical skills and knowledge, and do so in a way that saves on office space. However, before this can occur, attitudes on the parts of both employers and workers must change.7.The ability and willingness of older workers to continue working depend also on their personal state of health, conditions of work and motivation. Older workers face special difficulties at work, such as greater vulnerability to strain in a working environment, problems in adapting to new working methods and techniques and stresses associated with the transition to retirement. Ensuring appropriate conditions of work for older persons is crucial.8.The vitality of our societies will increasingly depend on active participation by older persons. It is therefore imperative that we foster economic and social conditions that will allow people of all ages to remain integrated into society. An essential challenge is to promote a culture that values the experience and knowledge that come with age.9.The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency that deals with labour issues, advocates the adoption of policy tools oriented to support older workers' participation in economic and social life. To that end, the ILO recommends:Taking action to ensure an appropriate minimum income to all older persons. Social security schemes based on the principle of universal coverage for older persons should be developed. Women as well as men should acquire their own rights and independence.Enacting policies aimed at eliminating age discriminationin the labour market and promoting a flexible retirement age.Taking measures — involving both employer and worker organizations —to ensure that older people can continue to participate in economic life and society including providing training and retraining.Promoting informal, community-based programmes to help older people develop a sense of self-reliance and community responsibility.Involving young people in providing services and care and in participating in activities for and with older persons.Enacting measures that ensure a gradual transition to retirement. Such measures would include pre-retirement courses, lightening the workload during the last years of the working life, and making the age of entitlement to a pension flexible.Ensuring satisfactory working conditions and environment for older workers. Where necessary, working conditions and the working environment should take into account the characteristics of older workers.10.Population aging is not a "catastrophe",but it does pose a policy challenge. Since aging is a long-term phenomenon, there is sufficient time available for coping mechanisms to be introduced gradually. Such mechanisms are most likely to be found in the world of work and in social transfer systems. The United Nations and the ILO have a vital role to play in developing far-sighted solutions and setting them into motion.1.All of the following contribute to older women's considerable vulnerability EXCEPT that ________.
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Decent Jobs: Social Inclusion and Social Protection1.By far, the most vulnerable older persons are women, who are more likely than men to lack basic literacy and numerical skills, less likely to have paid work, and less likely to be eligible for pensions where they are available. When women are eligible for pensions, because of their lower pay and interrupted work histories, they are more likely to receive lower pensions Older women who have lost their partners greatly outnumber their male counterparts.In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources. Also, women's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies. For these and ot her reasons, women, especially in developing countries, are much more likely to sink into poverty in their older years. Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the labour force.2.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as their training and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older worker face in the labour market. Biased attitudes of older hamper the efforts workers to find new employment and from providing them discourage employers with training. However, prejudices against the abilities of there is evidence that older workers are unfounded , and that the average difference in work performance between age groups is significantly less than the differences between workers within each age group.3.Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business. By maintaining a broad pool of workers with a more diverse range of skills and abilities a company can avoid the vacuum'p created when a number of skilled and experienced employees retire.4.Training and education are particularly important in helping older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities. Lifelong learning, which is increasingly recommended by social policy experts, is an important cultural and economic asset. Implicit in the concept of lifelong learning is the rejection of a society structured on the basis of age, in which education and training are one-time undertakings experienced only early in life.5.Information and communication technologies can play an important role in extending working lives. They have the potential to allow older workers to maintain their ties to the labour market and enhance their contributions and their quality of life.6.Telecommuting holds great promise as a tool that can help older workers to maintain their integration in the economy and in society. Savings in transportation costs are just one advantage. For older workers with disabilities telecommuting offers an alternative to premature retirement or disability leave. There are also clear advantages on the employer's side: businesses can retain access to critical skills and knowledge, and do so in a way that saves on office space. However, before this can occur, attitudes on the parts of both employers and workers must change.7.The ability and willingness of older workers to continue working depend also on their personal state of health, conditions of work and motivation. Older workers face special difficulties at work, such as greater vulnerability to strain in a working environment, problems in adapting to new working methods and techniques and stresses associated with the transition to retirement. Ensuring appropriate conditions of work for older persons is crucial.8.The vitality of our societies will increasingly depend on active participation by older persons. It is therefore imperative that we foster economic and social conditions that will allow people of all ages to remain integrated into society. An essential challenge is to promote a culture that values the experience and knowledge that come with age.9.The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency that deals with labour issues, advocates the adoption of policy tools oriented to support older workers' participation in economic and social life. To that end, the ILO recommends:Taking action to ensure an appropriate minimum income to all older persons. Social security schemes based on the principle of universal coverage for older persons should be developed. Women as well as men should acquire their own rights and independence.Enacting policies aimed at eliminating age discriminationin the labour market and promoting a flexible retirement age.Taking measures — involving both employer and worker organizations —to ensure that older people can continue to participate in economic life and society including providing training and retraining.Promoting informal, community-based programmes to help older people develop a sense of self-reliance and community responsibility.Involving young people in providing services and care and in participating in activities for and with older persons.Enacting measures that ensure a gradual transition to retirement. Such measures would include pre-retirement courses, lightening the workload during the last years of the working life, and making the age of entitlement to a pension flexible.Ensuring satisfactory working conditions and environment for older workers. Where necessary, working conditions and the working environment should take into account the characteristics of older workers.10.Population aging is not a "catastrophe",but it does pose a policy challenge. Since aging is a long-term phenomenon, there is sufficient time available for coping mechanisms to be introduced gradually. Such mechanisms are most likely to be found in the world of work and in social transfer systems. The United Nations and the ILO have a vital role to play in developing far-sighted solutions and setting them into motion.2.Older women are likely to receive lower pensions because ________.
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Decent Jobs: Social Inclusion and Social Protection1.By far, the most vulnerable older persons are women, who are more likely than men to lack basic literacy and numerical skills, less likely to have paid work, and less likely to be eligible for pensions where they are available. When women are eligible for pensions, because of their lower pay and interrupted work histories, they are more likely to receive lower pensions Older women who have lost their partners greatly outnumber their male counterparts.In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources. Also, women's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies. For these and ot her reasons, women, especially in developing countries, are much more likely to sink into poverty in their older years. Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the labour force.2.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as their training and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older worker face in the labour market. Biased attitudes of older hamper the efforts workers to find new employment and from providing them discourage employers with training. However, prejudices against the abilities of there is evidence that older workers are unfounded , and that the average difference in work performance between age groups is significantly less than the differences between workers within each age group.3.Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business. By maintaining a broad pool of workers with a more diverse range of skills and abilities a company can avoid the vacuum'p created when a number of skilled and experienced employees retire.4.Training and education are particularly important in helping older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities. Lifelong learning, which is increasingly recommended by social policy experts, is an important cultural and economic asset. Implicit in the concept of lifelong learning is the rejection of a society structured on the basis of age, in which education and training are one-time undertakings experienced only early in life.5.Information and communication technologies can play an important role in extending working lives. They have the potential to allow older workers to maintain their ties to the labour market and enhance their contributions and their quality of life.6.Telecommuting holds great promise as a tool that can help older workers to maintain their integration in the economy and in society. Savings in transportation costs are just one advantage. For older workers with disabilities telecommuting offers an alternative to premature retirement or disability leave. There are also clear advantages on the employer's side: businesses can retain access to critical skills and knowledge, and do so in a way that saves on office space. However, before this can occur, attitudes on the parts of both employers and workers must change.7.The ability and willingness of older workers to continue working depend also on their personal state of health, conditions of work and motivation. Older workers face special difficulties at work, such as greater vulnerability to strain in a working environment, problems in adapting to new working methods and techniques and stresses associated with the transition to retirement. Ensuring appropriate conditions of work for older persons is crucial.8.The vitality of our societies will increasingly depend on active participation by older persons. It is therefore imperative that we foster economic and social conditions that will allow people of all ages to remain integrated into society. An essential challenge is to promote a culture that values the experience and knowledge that come with age.9.The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency that deals with labour issues, advocates the adoption of policy tools oriented to support older workers' participation in economic and social life. To that end, the ILO recommends:Taking action to ensure an appropriate minimum income to all older persons. Social security schemes based on the principle of universal coverage for older persons should be developed. Women as well as men should acquire their own rights and independence.Enacting policies aimed at eliminating age discriminationin the labour market and promoting a flexible retirement age.Taking measures — involving both employer and worker organizations —to ensure that older people can continue to participate in economic life and society including providing training and retraining.Promoting informal, community-based programmes to help older people develop a sense of self-reliance and community responsibility.Involving young people in providing services and care and in participating in activities for and with older persons.Enacting measures that ensure a gradual transition to retirement. Such measures would include pre-retirement courses, lightening the workload during the last years of the working life, and making the age of entitlement to a pension flexible.Ensuring satisfactory working conditions and environment for older workers. Where necessary, working conditions and the working environment should take into account the characteristics of older workers.10.Population aging is not a "catastrophe",but it does pose a policy challenge. Since aging is a long-term phenomenon, there is sufficient time available for coping mechanisms to be introduced gradually. Such mechanisms are most likely to be found in the world of work and in social transfer systems. The United Nations and the ILO have a vital role to play in developing far-sighted solutions and setting them into motion.3.The greatest obstacle in skill development for older workers is ________.
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Decent Jobs: Social Inclusion and Social Protection1.By far, the most vulnerable older persons are women, who are more likely than men to lack basic literacy and numerical skills, less likely to have paid work, and less likely to be eligible for pensions where they are available. When women are eligible for pensions, because of their lower pay and interrupted work histories, they are more likely to receive lower pensions Older women who have lost their partners greatly outnumber their male counterparts.In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources. Also, women's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies. For these and ot her reasons, women, especially in developing countries, are much more likely to sink into poverty in their older years. Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the labour force.2.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as their training and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older worker face in the labour market. Biased attitudes of older hamper the efforts workers to find new employment and from providing them discourage employers with training. However, prejudices against the abilities of there is evidence that older workers are unfounded , and that the average difference in work performance between age groups is significantly less than the differences between workers within each age group.3.Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business. By maintaining a broad pool of workers with a more diverse range of skills and abilities a company can avoid the vacuum'p created when a number of skilled and experienced employees retire.4.Training and education are particularly important in helping older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities. Lifelong learning, which is increasingly recommended by social policy experts, is an important cultural and economic asset. Implicit in the concept of lifelong learning is the rejection of a society structured on the basis of age, in which education and training are one-time undertakings experienced only early in life.5.Information and communication technologies can play an important role in extending working lives. They have the potential to allow older workers to maintain their ties to the labour market and enhance their contributions and their quality of life.6.Telecommuting holds great promise as a tool that can help older workers to maintain their integration in the economy and in society. Savings in transportation costs are just one advantage. For older workers with disabilities telecommuting offers an alternative to premature retirement or disability leave. There are also clear advantages on the employer's side: businesses can retain access to critical skills and knowledge, and do so in a way that saves on office space. However, before this can occur, attitudes on the parts of both employers and workers must change.7.The ability and willingness of older workers to continue working depend also on their personal state of health, conditions of work and motivation. Older workers face special difficulties at work, such as greater vulnerability to strain in a working environment, problems in adapting to new working methods and techniques and stresses associated with the transition to retirement. Ensuring appropriate conditions of work for older persons is crucial.8.The vitality of our societies will increasingly depend on active participation by older persons. It is therefore imperative that we foster economic and social conditions that will allow people of all ages to remain integrated into society. An essential challenge is to promote a culture that values the experience and knowledge that come with age.9.The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency that deals with labour issues, advocates the adoption of policy tools oriented to support older workers' participation in economic and social life. To that end, the ILO recommends:Taking action to ensure an appropriate minimum income to all older persons. Social security schemes based on the principle of universal coverage for older persons should be developed. Women as well as men should acquire their own rights and independence.Enacting policies aimed at eliminating age discriminationin the labour market and promoting a flexible retirement age.Taking measures — involving both employer and worker organizations —to ensure that older people can continue to participate in economic life and society including providing training and retraining.Promoting informal, community-based programmes to help older people develop a sense of self-reliance and community responsibility.Involving young people in providing services and care and in participating in activities for and with older persons.Enacting measures that ensure a gradual transition to retirement. Such measures would include pre-retirement courses, lightening the workload during the last years of the working life, and making the age of entitlement to a pension flexible.Ensuring satisfactory working conditions and environment for older workers. Where necessary, working conditions and the working environment should take into account the characteristics of older workers.10.Population aging is not a "catastrophe",but it does pose a policy challenge. Since aging is a long-term phenomenon, there is sufficient time available for coping mechanisms to be introduced gradually. Such mechanisms are most likely to be found in the world of work and in social transfer systems. The United Nations and the ILO have a vital role to play in developing far-sighted solutions and setting them into motion.4.In order to help older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities, the author suggests ________.
Choose the best answer for each of the following questions according to the text.Decent Jobs: Social Inclusion and Social Protection1.By far, the most vulnerable older persons are women, who are more likely than men to lack basic literacy and numerical skills, less likely to have paid work, and less likely to be eligible for pensions where they are available. When women are eligible for pensions, because of their lower pay and interrupted work histories, they are more likely to receive lower pensions Older women who have lost their partners greatly outnumber their male counterparts.In some countries, widows are often denied access to or control over resources. Also, women's inheritance rights are poorly established in many societies. For these and ot her reasons, women, especially in developing countries, are much more likely to sink into poverty in their older years. Security schemes to alleviate poverty must take into account that most of the older poor are women, of whom many have limited experience in the labour force.2.The demand for new skills and knowledge places older workers at a disadvantage, as their training and skills developed earlier in life become obsolete.But age discrimination compounds many of the difficulties older worker face in the labour market. Biased attitudes of older hamper the efforts workers to find new employment and from providing them discourage employers with training. However, prejudices against the abilities of there is evidence that older workers are unfounded , and that the average difference in work performance between age groups is significantly less than the differences between workers within each age group.3.Allowing workers who wish to work longer has clear advantages for business. By maintaining a broad pool of workers with a more diverse range of skills and abilities a company can avoid the vacuum'p created when a number of skilled and experienced employees retire.4.Training and education are particularly important in helping older workers to adapt to changing demands and opportunities. Lifelong learning, which is increasingly recommended by social policy experts, is an important cultural and economic asset. Implicit in the concept of lifelong learning is the rejection of a society structured on the basis of age, in which education and training are one-time undertakings experienced only early in life.5.Information and communication technologies can play an important role in extending working lives. They have the potential to allow older workers to maintain their ties to the labour market and enhance their contributions and their quality of life.6.Telecommuting holds great promise as a tool that can help older workers to maintain their integration in the economy and in society. Savings in transportation costs are just one advantage. For older workers with disabilities telecommuting offers an alternative to premature retirement or disability leave. There are also clear advantages on the employer's side: businesses can retain access to critical skills and knowledge, and do so in a way that saves on office space. However, before this can occur, attitudes on the parts of both employers and workers must change.7.The ability and willingness of older workers to continue working depend also on their personal state of health, conditions of work and motivation. Older workers face special difficulties at work, such as greater vulnerability to strain in a working environment, problems in adapting to new working methods and techniques and stresses associated with the transition to retirement. Ensuring appropriate conditions of work for older persons is crucial.8.The vitality of our societies will increasingly depend on active participation by older persons. It is therefore imperative that we foster economic and social conditions that will allow people of all ages to remain integrated into society. An essential challenge is to promote a culture that values the experience and knowledge that come with age.9.The International Labour Organization (ILO), the United Nations agency that deals with labour issues, advocates the adoption of policy tools oriented to support older workers' participation in economic and social life. To that end, the ILO recommends:Taking action to ensure an appropriate minimum income to all older persons. Social security schemes based on the principle of universal coverage for older persons should be developed. Women as well as men should acquire their own rights and independence.Enacting policies aimed at eliminating age discriminationin the labour market and promoting a flexible retirement age.Taking measures — involving both employer and worker organizations —to ensure that older people can continue to participate in economic life and society including providing training and retraining.Promoting informal, community-based programmes to help older people develop a sense of self-reliance and community responsibility.Involving young people in providing services and care and in participating in activities for and with older persons.Enacting measures that ensure a gradual transition to retirement. Such measures would include pre-retirement courses, lightening the workload during the last years of the working life, and making the age of entitlement to a pension flexible.Ensuring satisfactory working conditions and environment for older workers. Where necessary, working conditions and the working environment should take into account the characteristics of older workers.10.Population aging is not a "catastrophe",but it does pose a policy challenge. Since aging is a long-term phenomenon, there is sufficient time available for coping mechanisms to be introduced gradually. Such mechanisms are most likely to be found in the world of work and in social transfer systems. The United Nations and the ILO have a vital role to play in developing far-sighted solutions and setting them into motion.5.Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a contribution of information and communication technology to extending working lives?
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